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Showing posts from 2017

What should be our Demand for 2017-Pay Revision

Demands for Pay Revision 2017:- Basic Pay:- There are 3 different ways for Basic Pay:- 1). To Ask for the Minimum Basic as Standard Scale Suggested by DPE Committee, ie-30000/- 2). To Ask for the Minimum Basic by 15% Fitment on Basic 11170/-+DA(119.5%) (Why We should Get Revision on 11170/- for Detail Information  CLICK HERE 3). Minimum Basic by 15% fitment on 9300+DA (119.5%) What Should be Our Basic, Suggestion are invited in Comment Box. Percentage Base Fringe Benefits This time we have to make sure that we can have 35% fringe Benefits as it will make a difference of    at least ten thousand in our salary. We should not compromise on this issue. For Understanding the Benifits  click here to watch Fringe Benifit Video Abolished the Current Posts and Create New Post Name:- Current Posts of AG-III, AG-II & AG-I should be abolished  New Post must be created AG-III must be Junior Assistant AG-II must be Senior Assistant. AG-I ...

DPE Committe Recomendations-For Pay Revision 2017

3RD PRC COMMITTE RECOMENDATIONS:- Some of Highlights of 3rd PRC Committee:- (1). Committee has recommended 15% Fitment on (Basic Pay+DA) (2). 35% Fringe Benifts on Basic Pay. (3). 8%,16%,24% HRA for X,Y,Z cities. (4). Gratutity 20 lac(max). (5). 30% Retiremental Benifits. Complete PPT file of Recommendation is below click here to watch 3rd prc recommendations

Comparision of our Salary with our Counterparts-CWC

Comparision of our Salary with CWC Employee of Same Grade:- Here we will try to compare the our salary with CWC Employee as CWC is our Sister Organisation and we used to have similiar Scales. In CWC Cat-3 Staff also getting 40% Fringe Benifits JR. Assistant Salary in CWC:- Basic Pay-10500/- DA-(As on 01.01.2017)-(119.5%)- 12632/- 40% Fringe Benifits:- 4200/- HRA-1050/- Total Gross Salary:-28382/- This is Gross Salary of a Freshly Recruited Assistant in CWC. Pay Slip of New Joinee CWC Junior Assitant  While Salary of Newly Recruited Assistant in FCI Basic Pay:-9300/- DA-119.5%=11113/- Lunch Subsidy:-300/- HRA:-930/- Tr. Allow:-495/- Total Gross Salary of AG-III=22138/- Total Difference=28382=22138=6244/- We are not Comparing our salary with rest of PSU's because in other PSU they got Standard Scales which Starts and thier minimum Basic in Wage Revision 2007 was 12600/- and the difference of salary is very high. (comments are invited) ...

Comparision of our Salary with FCI Labour-Class-4

Comparision of Salary of Labour and Newly Recruited AG-III Pay Scale. As on 01.01.2017 Labour Pay Scale:- Highest Post of Class-4 is Sardar whose Scale are 15600/- for intial Scale.Lets Calculate the Salary:- Basic Pay-15600/- Dearness Allowance-(40% as on 01.01.2017)=6240/- HRA-1560/- Lunch Subsidy:-250/- Washing Allowance:-150/- Transport Allowance:-650/- Total Gross Salary=24450/- Salary of An Ag-III as on 01.01.2017 Basic Pay:-9300/- DA-119.5%=11113/- Lunch Subsidy:-300/- HRA:-930/- Tr. Allow:-495/- Total Gross Salary of AG-III=22138/- Difference Between the Salary of Labour and AG-III on Intitial Scale:-24450-22138=2312/- Our Salary must be 3 to 4 thousand higher than a Class-4 employee on Intital Scale.but we have Rs.2312/- lesser than them.In Revision 2017 Both Category is on Revision,Our(Basic+DA) portion must be 3k to 4k higher than Class 4(Basic+DA) this time.

Last wage revision-2007

First of all we have to understand what was there in last wage revision. Please follow this Blog                     DPE Guidelines for Pay revision 2007 Some of the Highlights of last Pay Revision were:-                        1.  30% of the fitment in Basic Pay+Da                        2.  50% fringe Benefits of Basic Pay.                        3.  30% Retirements Benefits.                        4.  10%,20%,30% HRA for X,Y,Z cities.                        5.  Gratuity -Max.-10 lacs  What we got in 2007- We had made a video about this you also can watch the video for a better understanding. ...


Hello friends,                                  We are cat-III staff of FCI.We just started this blog for the Discussion on Pya revision 2017.Here we invite suggestion and want to convey information through this blog so that everyone of us got aware about Pay revision 2017.This time our awareness is important as the Pay revision will decide what will be our salary for next 10 years.Our aim is to have suggestion from you guys and we want to make this blog message to reach to Unions.